Funny Signs

White men beware

White men beware

Single ?

Wondering - "Where have all the good White Men gone ?"

In a news exclusive, we uncovered reasons for a worldwide shortage of White Men. In Mr & Mrs B's Honeymoon trip to Thailand, we made this gruesome discovery in the bathroom ...

Yes, shocking but true - White Men are being forced into small blue toothpaste tubes.

We're not yet sure how it is done, but White Men travelling in Thailand should be cautious of any offers from local people with brilliant white smiles.

Call of nature

Call of nature
Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Old yobos need not apply

Old yobos need not apply

Seen in a building in TST East.

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Got problems? Drink tea!

Got problems? Drink tea!

The usually door sign

The usually door sign

Surf's up

Surf's up

There's not mushroom inside*

There's not mushroom inside*

Ever wondered where the Great British Dustbin Man stays when vacationing abroad?

* - Refer to that 60's classic, My old Man's a dustmanRead more »



There have definitely been days when I needed this sign for my door.

Seen on the MTR ventilation tower in Causeway Bay. Read more »

When Yoda writes your copy

When Yoda writes your copy

Science museum, or ....

Science museum, or ....

The Hong Kong Science museum has this exhibit, where you press a button to select a muscle group, and see a short video with a body-builder flexing the chosen muscles. But below the screen is this small sign... Read more »

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